

Library: Trigonometry (OMTRIG)
Import : omtrig.xmd

Returns: The hypotenuse.

define external float function
  hypot (value float x, value float y)


Use hypot to calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle. This trigonometric function works the same way as its equivalent in the C math library.


The following example shows how to use the hypot function to make the calculation. The result is 7.07.

  import "omtrig.xmd" unprefixed
  import "omfloat.xmd" unprefixed
     local float x
     local float y
     local float result
     set x to "5"
     set y to "5"
     set result to hypot(x,y)
     output "When the opposite side is "
        || "d" % x
        || " and the adjacent side is "
        || "d" % y
        || ",%n"
        || "the hypotenuse is "
        || "d" % result
        || "%n"
  ; Output: "When the opposite side is 5 and the adjacent side is 5,
  ;           the hypotenuse is 7.071067811865476"

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