<= (less than or equal to)


Return type:
True if the first expression is equal to or less than the second, and false otherwise.
expression1 <= expression2


Use the <= operator to determine whether one expression is equal to or less than another. You can use it with any data type expression.

To compare BCD numbers, you must import the ombcd.xmd file in your program. To compare floating point numbers, import the omfloat.xmd file.

You can compare values of mixed data types (for example, BCD numbers and integers) as long as you follow the rules listed in Operations with mixed data types.

For example:

  ; Comparing strings for <=
     local stream string-1 initial {"Catch-up"}
     local stream string-2 initial {"Catch-22"}
     do when string-2 > string-1
        output string-2
            || " > "
            || string-1
            || "%n"
     else when string-2 <= string-1
        output string-2
            || " <= "
            || string-1
            || "%n"
  ; Output: "Catch-22 <= Catch-up"

Mixed data type example:

  import "ombcd.xmd" unprefixed
     local integer one-integer initial {33}
     local bcd one-bcd initial {33}
     do when (one-bcd <= one-integer)
        output "Correct. BCD of "
            || "d" % one-bcd
            || " shown as less than or equal to integer of "
            || "d" % one-integer
            || ".%n"
        output "Error. BCD of "
            || "d" % one-bcd
            || " shown as not less than or equal to integer of "
            || "d" % one-integer
            || ".%n"
  ; Output: "Correct. BCD of 33 shown as less than or equal to integer of 33."

This operator has two deprecated synonyms: is less-equal and isnt greater-than.

Related Syntax