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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 1000 3000 3010 3020 3030 4000 5000 6000 6010 6020 6030 6040 6050 6060 6070 6080 6090 6100 6110 6120 6130 7000 N/A OM_FileErrors OM_ExtFunErrors

0001 - An internal error has occurred in the Kernel.
0002 - Two or more added function names that are the same when upper-cased must not be used if NAMECASE GENERAL is YES.
0003 - An added function name must not be one of RE, RS or SPACE.
0004 - A content model must not be ambiguous.
0005 - The number of names and name tokens in an attribute list must not exceed ATTCNT.
0006 - An entity that is already opened cannot be referenced.
0007 - The total length of all attributes specified in a start tag after processing must not exceed ATTSPLEN.
0008 - A FIXED attribute value must be the same as its declared value.
0009 - A SPACE or SEPCHAR character must not be adjacent to a B sequence in a short reference delimiter.

0010 - There is an error in the format of an externally defined capacity set used in the SGML Declaration.
0011 - A number used in the capacity set parameter of the SGML Declaration cannot exceed the largest numeric value supported by the system.
0012 - A zero value should not be specified for a capacity limit.
0013 - A CDATA or RCDATA element must have a start tag. Therefore, it is inappropriate to specify an omissible start tag in its declaration.
0014 - A numeric character reference's value must not be larger than is allowed by the system in the context in which it occurs.
0015 - There is an error in the format of an externally defined character set used in the SGML Declaration.
0016 - A general delimiter string, together with a following delimiter that causes it to be recognized, must not be the same as a previously defined one that is allowed in the same context.
0017 - A general delimiter string must not be the same as a previously defined one that is allowed in the same context.
0018 - A general delimiter string must not be the same as a reference one that is allowed in the same context, unless that reference one is itself redefined.
0019 - A reference short reference delimiter string must not be the same as a general delimiter that is allowed in the same context.

0020 - A short reference delimiter string must not be the same as a previously defined one.
0021 - The "NET" delimiter string must not be the same as some other delimiter in the same context.
0022 - An element must not be declared EMPTY and have a CONREF attribute.
0023 - CONCUR YES should not be specified in the SGML Declaration, as it is not supported by the system.
0024 - DATATAG YES should not be specified in the SGML Declaration, as it is not supported by the system.
0025 - An undefined general entity has been referenced or used as an attribute value. The DEFAULT general entity is used for its value.
0026 - An undefined general entity has been used as a default attribute value, and the attribute value has been allowed to default in a start tag.
0027 - The end of a declaration has been encountered before the declaration has been completed. Either the delimiter that ends the declaration (MDC) was encountered when something else was expected, or the ending delimiter was missing and another declaration was encountered.
0028 - Data is not normally allowed at the current point, but will be allowed through error recovery.
0029 - Data cannot be allowed at the current point, and will be treated as if it were part of an IGNORE marked section.

0030 - A character reference to a data character cannot be allowed at the current point, and will be treated (together with any following data) as if it were part of an IGNORE marked section.
0031 - A record end (RE) character cannot be allowed at the current point, and will be treated (together with any following data) as if it were part of an IGNORE marked section.
0032 - A record start (RS) character cannot be allowed at the current point, and will be treated (together with any following data) as if it were part of an IGNORE marked section.
0033 - A reference to a SUBDOC or unparsed (CDATA, SDATA, NDATA) entity cannot be allowed at the current point. The entity's text will not be processed.
0034 - This declaration is not allowed in the current context.
0035 - Marked section declaration encountered at a point where one isn't allowed.
0036 - The declared value of an ID attribute must be either REQUIRED or IMPLIED.
0037 - The declared value of a NOTATION data attribute must not be either CURRENT or CONREF.
0038 - A document type definition must not end inside a marked section.
0039 - An end tag for an element that is not open is not allowed.

0040 - An end tag has been encountered for some element other than the currently opened one and some opened element other than the currently opened one must be closed without its content being fully satisfied or with its inomissible end tag omitted.
0041 - The document must not end at this point.
0042 - An empty end tag must not be used when there are no opened elements.
0043 - A rank stem must not be used in an end tag when no element is open that has that stem.
0044 - A start tag for an excluded element must not be used.
0045 - An entity name used as an attribute value must be a non-SGML data entity or a SUBDOC entity.
0046 - An entity name used as a default attribute value, for an attribute that is not specified in the attribute's start tag, must be a non-SGML data entity or a SUBDOC entity.
0047 - An entity name declared as a default attribute value should be a non-SGML data entity or a SUBDOC entity.
0048 - A reference to an external non-SGML data entity, processing instruction entity or SUBDOC entity must not occur in an attribute value.
0049 - A reference to an external non-SGML data entity, processing instruction entity or SUBDOC entity must not occur in RCDATA content.

0050 - A marked section end must not occur when no marked section has started.
0051 - A marked section in a DTD must be IGNORE or INCLUDE.
0052 - A character assigned to LCNMCHAR must not be a LC Letter, UC Letter, Digit, RE, RS, SPACE or SEPCHAR, nor can it be a LCNMSTRT or UCNMSTRT.
0053 - A character assigned to LCNMSTRT must not be a LC Letter, UC Letter, Digit, RE, RS, SPACE or SEPCHAR.
0054 - In the declaration of a parameter entity with an external identifier, the entity type must not be CDATA, SDATA, NDATA or SUBDOC.
0055 - In the declaration of a parameter entity with text, the entity type must not be CDATA or SDATA.
0056 - A start tag must not be used if the element is neither allowed by the current content model or by an inclusion.
0057 - A start tag is not allowed at the current point, but will be allowed through error recovery.
0058 - The first in a pair of character numbers in the SWITCHES part of the SGML Declaration must not be a Digit, UC Letter or LC Letter, and it must be a markup character.
0059 - The second in a pair of character numbers in the SWITCHES part of the SGML Declaration must not be a Digit, UC Letter or LC Letter.

0060 - A character assigned to UCNMCHAR must not be a LC Letter, UC Letter, Digit, RE, RS, SPACE or SEPCHAR, nor can it be a LCNMSTRT or UCNMSTRT.
0061 - A character assigned to UCNMSTRT cannot be a LC Letter, UC Letter, Digit, RE, RS, SPACE or SEPCHAR.
0062 - A markup declaration has been encountered that is not allowed at the current point, but will be allowed through error recovery.
0063 - There is some significant character that does not appear in any of the base character sets.
0064 - The replacement defined for a reserved name the SGML Declaration must not be the same as a previous replacement for a reserved name.
0065 - A character has been shunned more than once in the SGML Declaration.
0066 - A character number must not be used more than once as the first character number in a pair of numbers in the character switches in the SGML Declaration.
0067 - The second character number in a pair of numbers in the character switches in the SGML Declaration must not have already been used a substitute.
0068 - An element name should be used in only one USEMAP in a DTD.
0069 - An end tag must not occur at the start of document instance.

0070 - An entity must not end in an IGNORE marked section.
0071 - An entity that was referenced prior to the start of a CDATA or RCDATA marked section must not end inside the marked section.
0072 - An entity that was referenced prior to the start of a CDATA or RCDATA element must not end inside the element's content.
0073 - The markup document entity must not end inside the SGML Declaration.
0074 - An entity must not end in a processing instruction.
0075 - An entity must not end inside a comment.
0076 - The total number of opened entities must not exceed ENTLVL.
0077 - The document instance must consist of at least one tag or data character.
0078 - EXPLICIT YES should not be specified in the SGML Declaration, as it is not supported by the system.
0079 - A general delimiter specified in the SGML Declaration must not contain only function characters.

0080 - A general delimiter specified in the SGML Declaration should not contain a name start character, a digit or a function character.
0081 - A general delimiter defined in the SGML Declaration should not have zero characters.
0082 - A general entity should not be declared after it has already been referenced using the default value.
0083 - The number of names in a name group, name token group or content model must not exceed the GRPCNT quantity limit.
0084 - The number of tokens in a content model must not exceed GRPGTCNT.
0085 - The nesting level in the content model of an ELEMENT declaration must not exceed GRPLVL.
0086 - The number of names in IDREF, IDREFS, ENTITY and ENTITIES attribute values in a start tag, whether specified or defaulted, must not exceed the GRPCNT quantity limit.
0087 - IMPLICIT YES should not be specified in the SGML Declaration, as it is not supported by the system.
0088 - An element is not allowed in the document instance because it does not appear in any accessible content model or it is completely excluded.
0089 - An EMPTY element must have a start tag and must not have an end tag. Therefore, it is inappropriate to specify an omissible start tag or an inomissible end tag in its declaration.

0090 - The replacement for an entity, referenced in a group, must consist of one or more complete tokens.
0091 - The minimum literal following the SGML keyword in the SGML Declaration must be "ISO 8879:1986".
0092 - The declared value of a notation data attribute must not be ENTITY, ENTITIES, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, or NOTATION.
0093 - A specified attribute value must conform to the declared type of the attribute.
0094 - The total length of a literal after processing must not exceed LITLEN.
0095 - The total length of a public identifier after processing must not exceed the reference value of LITLEN.
0096 - LINK declarations are not supported by the system.
0097 - The number of nested marked sections must not exceed TAGLVL.
0098 - The input file must not end inside a marked section.
0099 - An attribute name in a start tag or entity declaration must be followed by a VI ("=") and a value.

0100 - The keywords CAPACITY SGMLREF in an SGML Declaration must be followed by at least one capacity specification.
0101 - A capacity keyword in the SGML Declaration must be followed by a capacity value (a number).
0102 - The start tag of an element with CDATA, RCDATA or EMPTY content must not be omitted.
0103 - An end tag that has been declared inomissible ("-") must not be omitted.
0104 - An end tag must not be omitted when OMITTAG is NO.
0105 - The function character names and classes (RE, RS, SPACE, FUNCHAR, SEPCHAR, MSOCHAR, MSICHAR and MSSCHAR) in the FUNCTION part of the SGML Declaration must each be followed by a character number.
0106 - The start tag of an element that has one or more required attributes must not be omitted.
0107 - A start tag with a start tag minimization of minus ("-") must not be omitted.
0108 - The SHUNCHAR keyword in the SGML Declaration must be followed by the keyword NONE, by the keyword CONTROLS or by at least one character number to be shunned.
0109 - A start tag must not be omitted when OMITTAG is NO.

0110 - The start tag of an element with no content must not be omitted.
0111 - The SWITCHES keyword in the SGML Declaration must be followed by zero or more pairs of character numbers to be switched.
0112 - A start tag or end tag should end with a TAGC (">").
0113 - The element name in a start tag must be one of those declared in the DTD. The name in the tag has not been declared, but is close in its spelling to a declared element's name. That element has been used.
0114 - The element name in a end tag must be one of those declared in the DTD. The name in the tag has not been declared, but is close in its spelling to a declared element's name. That element has been used.
0115 - The name in a general entity reference must be one of those declared in the DTD if there is no default general entity. The name in the reference has not been declared, but is close in its spelling to a declared entity's name. That entity has been used.
0116 - The name in a parameter entity reference must be one of those declared in the DTD. The name in the reference has not been declared, but is close in its spelling to a declared entity's name. That entity has been used.
0117 - A group in a content model must only use one kind of connector ("|", "," or "&").
0118 - An element with mixed content should permit data characters ("#PCDATA") everywhere.
0119 - A group should not have a mixture of connectors, even though doing so is allowed (for other than content models).

0120 - A second DTD must not be specified in the SGML document.
0121 - A short reference delimiter in the SGML Declaration must not have more than one B sequence.
0122 - An ATTLIST must only contain one ID attribute.
0123 - An ATTLIST must only contain one NOTATION attribute.
0124 - The number of characters in a name, number, name token or number token must not exceed NAMELEN.
0125 - The number of characters in the number in a numeric character reference must not exceed NAMELEN.
0126 - The number of characters in a parameter entity name plus the number of characters in the pero ("%") delimiter must not exceed NAMELEN.
0127 - The number of characters in a reserved name must not exceed NAMELEN in the defined syntax.
0128 - The LCNMCHAR and UCNMCHAR strings in the SGML Declaration must be the same length.
0129 - The LCNMSTRT and UCNMSTRT strings in the SGML Declaration must be the same length.

0130 - An attribute other than a CDATA attribute must not have a null literal ("") value or a value that does not have any name tokens in it.
0131 - The DOCTYPE name must be declared in an ELEMENT declaration in the DTD.
0132 - If a rank stem is specified in a start tag, a previous start tag must establish the current rank for that stem.
0133 - The prolog of an SGML document must contain a (valid) DTD.
0134 - If an MSOCHAR is defined in the SGML Declaration, an MSICHAR must also be defined.
0135 - An empty end tag was recognized even though SHORTTAG is NO, because the TAGC delimiter starts with a name start character.
0136 - An empty start tag was recognized even though SHORTTAG is NO, because the TAGC delimiter starts with a name start character.
0137 - An attribute must not be specified in a start tag using a name token group or notation value without a preceding attribute name and VI or without surrounding literal delimiters, if SHORTTAG is NO.
0138 - An element must not have empty content and a NOTATION attribute
0139 - If an element has both NOTATION and CONREF attributes, both of them must not be specified in a start tag.

0140 - A character which is declared in the current concrete syntax to be non-SGML must not be used in the document unless entered using a character reference.
0141 - A character other than a minimum data character must not occur in a minimum literal (i.e. in the SGML Declaration or in a public identifier).
0142 - A shunned character must be identified as a non-SGML character, unless it is a significant SGML character.
0143 - There must not be an entity reference immediately preceding an occurrence indicator (OPT, PLUS or REP) in a content model.
0144 - There must not be a space, separator character or line break immediately preceding an occurrence indicator (SEQ, OR or AND) in a content model.
0145 - Minimization must not be omitted in an element declaration when OMITTAG is YES.
0146 - A parameter entity must not be referenced in the SGML Declaration.
0147 - The pero delimiter in the variant syntax is longer than or equal in length to NAMELEN. Any attempt to define a parameter entity will result in NAMELEN being exceeded.
0148 - A PI entity must not be referenced in a literal.
0149 - A PI entity must not be referenced in a markup declaration.

0150 - The number of characters in a processing instruction must not exceed PILEN.
0151 - An element that has been declared with EMPTY content must not later be declared with a CONREF attribute.
0152 - An element that has been declared with EMPTY content must not later be declared with a NOTATION attribute.
0153 - A required attribute should not be declared for an element previously declared with an omissible start tag.
0154 - A notation's ATTLIST must appear prior to the declaration of any external non-text entity with which that notation is associated if the ATTLIST includes a REQUIRED attribute.
0155 - A notation's ATTLIST must appear prior to the declaration of any external non-text entity with which that notation is associated if the ATTLIST includes a FIXED or default-valued attribute and if both SHORTTAG and OMITTAG are NO.
0156 - The text class of a formal public identifier used in a base character set parameter of the SGML Declaration must be CHARSET if FORMAL YES is specified.
0157 - The text class of a formal public identifier used in the capacity set parameter of the SGML Declaration must be CAPACITY if FORMAL YES is specified.
0158 - The text class of a formal public identifier used in the concrete syntax parameter of the SGML Declaration must be SYNTAX if FORMAL YES is specified.
0159 - If a formal public identifier contains a "public display version" then the public text class must not be one of CAPACITY, CHARSET, NOTATION or SYNTAX.

0160 - If a formal public identifier's text class is not CHARSET, it must contain a "public text language" that is a valid name.
0161 - Extra "//" sequences must not be present in a formal public identifier, beyond those allowed.
0162 - The owner identifier in a formal public identifier must conform to one of the allowed types (ISO, registered or unregistered), and must end with "//".
0163 - A formal public identifier must include a public text class which is one of the 13 allowed values.
0164 - The special form of ISO owner identifier must not be used in a formal public identifier if the text class is not CHARSET.
0165 - In a notation declaration, the text class of a formal public identifier must be NOTATION.
0166 - The public text description in a formal public identifier must be followed by "//".
0167 - If SCOPE INSTANCE is specified in the SGML Declaration, all specified quantities must be at least as great as the reference quantity set value.
0168 - A number used in the quantity set parameter in the SGML Declaration must not be larger than is allowed by the system.
0169 - A zero value should not be specified for a quantity limit.

0170 - A rank stem in a declaration must not used elsewhere as an element type or vice-versa.
0171 - A rank stem must not be used in a start tag in place of the generic identifier if RANK is NO.
0172 - A rank stem must not be used in an end tag in place of the generic identifier if RANK is NO.
0173 - A function character number must not have already been assigned to another function.
0174 - An element must not be required in its own content.
0175 - An attribute name must only be defined once in an ATTLIST declaration.
0176 - An element or notation must have at most one ATTLIST.
0177 - A CAPACITY limit for which a value has previously been specified in the SGML Declaration has been respecified.
0178 - A character in the document character set of the SGML Declaration must not be described more than once.
0179 - An added function name must not have been already assigned to another added function in the SGML Declaration.

0180 - A name must not be used in more than one attribute in an ATTLIST declaration.
0181 - The default general entity has been declared more than once.
0182 - An element must not be declared more than once.
0183 - A name must not be repeated in an exclusion or inclusion group.
0184 - A general entity name has been declared more than once.
0185 - A general delimiter has been defined more than once in the SGML Declaration.
0186 - A UCNMCHAR should not be assigned a LCNMCHAR that is already a LCNMCHAR or UCNMCHAR.
0187 - A UCNMSTRT should not be assigned a LCNMSTRT that is already a LCNMSTRT or UCNMSTRT.
0188 - A SHORTREF map must not be declared more than once.
0189 - Multiple use of delimiter string in SHORTREF declaration.

0190 - A NOTATION must not be declared more than once.
0191 - A parameter entity name has been declared more than once.
0192 - A QUANTITY limit value has previously been specified in the SGML Declaration.
0193 - A syntax reference character must not be described more than once in the SGML Declaration.
0194 - A reserved name has been defined more than once in the SGML Declaration.
0195 - A UCNMCHAR should not be assigned to a character that is already a LCNMCHAR or UCNMCHAR.
0196 - A UCNMSTRT should not be assigned to a character that is already a LCNMSTRT or UCNMSTRT.
0197 - A reference general delimiter must not be made to contain only function characters by defining delimiter characters as function characters in the SGML Declaration.
0198 - A reference general delimiter should not contain a name start character, a digit or a function character, because of the way delimiter characters have been used in the SGML Declaration.
0199 - All the characters in a reference general delimiter, used because no replacement for it is specified in the SGML Declaration, must be mapped to unique document characters.

0200 - All the characters in a reference reserved name, used because no replacement for it is specified in the general delimiters parameter of the SGML Declaration, must be mapped to unique document characters.
0201 - A reference short reference delimiter, used because SHORTREF SGMLREF is specified in the SGML Declaration, should not contain one or more name start characters or digits.
0202 - A reference short reference delimiter, used because SHORTREF SGMLREF is specified in the SGML Declaration, must only contain characters that are mapped to unique document characters.
0203 - A string in the short reference delimiters parameter of the SGML Declaration is the same as a reference short reference delimiter and SGMLREF is specified.
0204 - A replacement name in the reserved name use parameter of the SGML Declaration has already been used for the same reserved name.
0205 - An element with a previously defined required attribute should not be declared to have an omissible start tag.
0206 - The replacement defined for a reserved name in the reserved name use parameter of the SGML Declaration must not be reference reserved name.
0207 - An attribute must not be specified in a start tag or ENTITY declaration more than once.
0208 - An attribute is specified in a start tag or element declaration using a name token group or notation value without a preceding attribute name and VI, and a value for that attribute has already been specified.
0209 - An ID attribute must not have the same value as one previously used.

0210 - A name must not be used more than once in the element type list at the start of an element declaration.
0211 - A name must not occurs more than once in a list of allowed values (name tokens or notation names) in an attribute definition.
0212 - A name must not be used more than once in the element type list at the start of an attribute definition list declaration.
0213 - A name must not be used more than once in the associated notation name list at the start of an attribute definition list declaration.
0214 - A name must not be used more than once in the element type list in a short reference use (USEMAP) declaration in the DTD.
0215 - A delimiter defined in the short reference delimiters parameter of the SGML Declaration should not contain one or more name start characters or digits.
0216 - A delimiter defined in the short reference delimiters parameter of the SGML Declaration should contain one or more characters.
0217 - The meaning of each significant base character must be assigned to one, and only one, document character in the SGML Declaration.
0218 - The meaning of each significant base character must be assigned to one, and only one, syntax character in the SGML Declaration.
0219 - A character in a parameter literal in the naming rules, general delimiter or short reference delimiter parameter of the SGML Declaration must be assigned to a unique character in the document character set.

0220 - SIMPLE YES should not be specified in the SGML Declaration, as it is not supported by the system.
0221 - The number of nested elements in the document instance must not exceed TAGLVL.
0222 - The number used following SUBDOC YES in the SGML Declaration must not be larger than is allowed by the system.
0223 - If SUBDOC is NO, an entity must not be declared with type SUBDOC.
0224 - The number used following SUBDOC YES in the SGML Declaration should not be zero.
0225 - If SCOPE INSTANCE is specified in the SGML Declaration, the syntax-reference character set must match that in the Reference Concrete Syntax.
0226 - The length of the start tag before resolution of references must not exceed TAGLEN.
0227 - If the type of a non-CDATA attribute only allows one value, it must be specified with only one value.
0228 - The value of TOTALCAP in the capacity set parameter of the SGML Declaration must equal or exceed the largest individual capacity.
0229 - A function character must not be assigned to a syntax reference character that is not mapped to a unique document character.

0230 - An entity end must not end in a literal if it was referenced prior to the start of the literal.
0231 - An entity that was referenced prior to the start of a group must not end in the group.
0232 - An entity that was referenced prior to the start of a declaration must not end in the declaration.
0233 - The document must not end inside the DTD.
0234 - An entity referenced in a declaration, marked section or a literal must end in that same declaration, marked section or literal.
0235 - An attribute specification found in a start tag or an entity declaration must have been declared for the associated element or notation.
0236 - A name specified as an attribute value for a name token group or NOTATION attribute in a start tag or ENTITY declaration must be one of the attribute's allowed values.
0237 - A name specified in an end tag must be declared as an element in the DTD.
0238 - A name specified in a start tag must be declared as an element in the DTD.
0239 - An element name specified in a USEMAP declaration, ATTLIST declaration or content model is not defined by an ELEMENT declaration.

0240 - A general entity name used in SHORTREF declaration must be a declared general entity.
0241 - An ENTITY attribute value must be a declared general entity unless there is a DEFAULT general entity.
0242 - The default value of an ENTITY attribute must have been defined in the DTD if the default value is used in a start tag.
0243 - The default value of an entity attribute has not been defined. If there is a default general entity, its value will be used as that of the named entity. If there is no default general entity, any attempt to use this default value will result in an error.
0244 - General entity reference must be a declared general entity or there must be DEFAULT entity.
0245 - An undeclared SHORTREF map name must not be used in a USEMAP declaration.
0246 - A notation for which attributes were declared must be defined.
0247 - A notation name used in an ENTITY declaration must be declared.
0248 - A notation name used in an attribute value must be declared.
0249 - The default value of a notation attribute used in a start tag must be the name of a declared notation.

0250 - The default value of a notation attribute is not the name of a declared notation.
0251 - A parameter entity reference must contain a name that has been previously declared as a parameter entity.
0252 - A short reference delimiter string in a SHORTREF declaration must be one of those allowed by the SGML Declaration.
0253 - For every value specified for an IDREF attribute, there must be an element with the value specified for its ID attribute.
0254 - The end of the SGML document or SGML subdocument must not occur in the middle of markup.
0255 - A named character reference's name must be one of those defined in the SGML Declaration.
0256 - In the head of a marked section, a keyword must be one of TEMP, INCLUDE, IGNORE, CDATA or RCDATA.
0257 - Recognized a delimiter or data not allowed in the current context.
0258 - An element must not end before its content model is completely satisfied.
0259 - In a start tag or ENTITY declaration, every required attribute must be given a value.

0260 - In a start-tag or ENTITY declaration, every CURRENT, FIXED or default valued attribute must be specified if both SHORTTAG and OMITTAG are NO.
0261 - In a start tag, a previously unspecified CURRENT attribute must be given a value.
0262 - A base character set in the concrete syntax part of an SGML Declaration is not used in the document character set part of the SGML Declaration.
0263 - There is no element with an IDREF or IDREFS attribute value equal to a specified ID value.
0264 - A name specified as a default value for a name token group or NOTATION attribute in ATTLIST declaration for an element or a notation must be one of the attribute's allowed values.
0265 - An undeclared SHORTREF map name must not be used in a USEMAP declaration.
0266 - One of the allowed values of a notation attribute is not the name of a declared notation.

1001 - OmniMark has detected a fatal error using an operating system call.

3000 - Insufficient memory.
3001 - Unable to close file.
3002 - The current set of modifiers is invalid.
3004 - End of file in the current string encountered.
3006 - An invalid character was found.
3007 - The OmniMark program has exceeded an internal limit.
3008 - An invalid character representation sequence was encountered.
3009 - An invalid modifier value was encountered.

3010 - An invalid number was encountered.
3012 - A modifier is specified more than once in the current format item.
3013 - Name is too large.
3014 - The current string does not end on the current line.
3017 - Number is too large.
3018 - An invalid format item was found in a name.
3019 - Unable to open file for input.

3020 - Error detected while reading a file.
3021 - A string continuation character ('_') is not followed by another string.
3022 - String is too large.
3023 - Syntax Error.
3024 - Unable to open file for output.
3025 - Error detected while writing to a file.
3026 - Invalid character found in a based number.
3027 - An invalid character set was encountered in the current pattern.
3029 - Invalid string encountered in LETTERS declaration.

3030 - An invalid NEWLINE declaration was encountered.
3031 - An invalid modifier and format item combination was encountered.
3032 - Invalid numeric conversion of a string attempted.
3036 - Uninitialized variable was referenced.
3037 - DTD related feature not supported in this version.

4000 - Missing or invalid format item.
4001 - SYMBOL declaration missing.
4004 - Unequal shelf sizes in REPEAT OVER action detected.
4005 - Invalid occurrence count encountered.
4006 - Attempting to divide by zero.
4007 - Attempting to evaluate the remainder by dividing by zero.

5001 - Cannot create a temporary file, check directory and write permissions.
5002 - Write to referent resolution temporary file failed.
5003 - The referent resolution file is corrupted.
5004 - Attempting to load a corrupted saved application.
5006 - External function returned failure.
5007 - A user-defined external subfunction returned failure:
5008 - External function returned with one or more uncaught throws.

6001 - Attempting to use out-of-range attribute item selector.
6002 - Attribute type mismatch.
6003 - Attempting to use a number base value that is either less than 2 or greater than 36.
6004 - Specified string too large for binary conversion.
6005 - Specified stream is not attached to a buffer or referent.
6006 - The current pattern contains an invalid occurrence count.
6007 - Attempting to clear a shelf being used in a repeat over.
6008 - Attempting to close/discard an active stream.
6009 - A non-existent qualifier sequence was specified.

6010 - A shelf cannot be COPY-CLEARed to itself.
6011 - Attempting to copy a smaller sized shelf to a larger sized shelf which is being used in a repeat over action.
6013 - Attempting to enlarge a shelf past its maximum size.
6014 - Detected a referent loop: referent is directly or indirectly written to itself.
6015 - Attempting to use unknown date format operator.
6016 - Date format string ends prematurely.
6017 - A disallowed operation on a default shelf was attempted.
6018 - A disallowed operation on a default stream was attempted.

6020 - Attempting to interfere with another domain's stream.
6021 - Attempting to define shelf item with a key already associated with the shelf.
6022 - Attempting to process content twice in one rule.
6023 - The OmniMark program has exceeded an internal limit.
6024 - No PUBLIC identifier declared for external data-entity's notation.
6025 - No SYSTEM identifier declared for external data-entity's notation.
6026 - External data entity notation's PUBLIC identifier not given in LIBRARY declaration.
6028 - An external text entity can't be resolved.
6029 - Trying to access the notation of an external entity which does not have one.

6030 - No PUBLIC identifier declared for external entity.
6031 - No SYSTEM identifier declared for external entity.
6032 - External entity's PUBLIC identifier not given in LIBRARY declaration.
6033 - Attempting to copy a wrong sized shelf to a fixed sized shelf.
6034 - Attempting to initialize a shelf of fixed size greater than 1.
6035 - Attempting to modify a fixed size shelf.
6037 - Attempting to access #IMPLIED attribute value.
6038 - Cannot write to this stream referents that are defined in an outer nested-referent scope.
6039 - Attempting to insert into a shelf being used in a repeat over, an item which is less than or equal to the size of the shelf at the start of the repeat over.

6040 - An invalid BREAK-WIDTH value was encountered.
6042 - Cannot directly reference #MAIN-INPUT in this context.
6045 - Specified binary ordering selector is negative.
6046 - No item phrase supplied for list-valued attribute.
6047 - No matching ELEMENT rules selectable.
6048 - Attempting to use current element but none exists.
6049 - Attempting to use current entity but none exists.

6051 - Unknown external text entity.
6052 - Attempting to access a shelf item with an unknown key.
6053 - Reached the end of the current function without returning a value.
6054 - Attempting to evaluate a non-numeric string as a number.
6055 - Attribute value is not an external entity.
6056 - Invalid attempt to initialize a shelf from the command line (either its initial size > 1 or it is predefined).
6057 - Specified number is too big to be converted.
6058 - Attempting to access an optional function argument that wasn't specified.
6059 - Attempting to access the contents of an open stream.

6060 - Attempting to write a referent to a stream which does not allow referents.
6061 - Attempting to use an unspecified pattern variable.
6062 - Content of current element was not processed.
6063 - Trying to process content where not permitted.
6064 - Cannot directly reference #PROCESS-INPUT in this context.
6065 - Attempting to copy/save a referents-allowed buffer stream opened in an outer nested-referents scope.
6066 - Cannot reopen an active stream.
6067 - Attempting to reopen an unattached stream.
6068 - Trying to REOPEN stream WITH REFERENTS-ALLOWED, but stream does not currently have REFERENTS-ALLOWED.
6069 - Attempting to OPEN/REOPEN a stream with a referent which is already in use.

6070 - Attempting to use out-of-range referent item selector.
6071 - Attempting to use a referent with zero length name.
6072 - Attempting to remove from a shelf being used in a repeat over, an item which is less than or equal to the size of the shelf at the start of the repeat over.
6073 - Numeric operand of REPEATED must be greater than or equal to 0.
6075 - Attempting to restore a saved shelf which is saved in rules that are not properly nested with respect to each other.
6076 - Attempting to copy a shelf too large for the target shelf.
6077 - Attempting to use out-of-range shelf item selector.
6078 - Attempting to skip past a negative number of characters.
6079 - Attempting to fetch name of either an unattached stream, a stream attached to a buffer or a stream attached to standard out.

6080 - Attempting to copy a stream which is not attached to a buffer.
6081 - Attempting to save a stream which is not attached to a buffer.
6082 - Attempting to copy a stream which is open.
6083 - Attempting to save a stream which is open.
6084 - Specified string cannot be converted into a number.
6086 - Attempting to use a referent that does not exist.
6087 - Attempting to use an existing referent with no defined value in the current nested-referents scope.
6088 - Silent referent is written to a stream having no referent defaults.

6090 - Attribute is not declared for the element or entity.
6091 - Invocation of program tries to use a stream which was not defined as a global in the program.
6092 - Invocation of program tries to initialize a counter which was not defined as a global in the program.
6093 - Invocation of program tries to activate a switch which was not defined as a global in the program.
6095 - Attempting to use a referent value which is not fully resolved.
6097 - Cannot output to stream 'X'.
6098 - Improper nesting of referent scopes.

6100 - Attempting to convert a zero length string into a numeric value.
6105 - Attempting an SGML-PARSE action using CURRENT DTD in a context where no DTD is active.
6106 - Attempting an SGML-PARSE action using SUBDOCUMENT in a context where there is no previous SGML-PARSE.
6107 - Attempting an SGML-PARSE action specifying an element that is not declared in the current SGML DTD.
6109 - Attempting to use submit in a MARKUP-ERROR rule.

6110 - Attempting an XML-PARSE action using CURRENT DTD in a context where no DTD is active.
6111 - Attempting an XML-PARSE action specifying an element that is not declared in the current XML DTD.
6113 - Attempting to carry out an action that is not allowed in the current context.
6114 - Attempting an output operation while #CURRENT-OUTPUT is unattached.
6115 - Attempting to add the unattached #CURRENT-OUTPUT to the current active stream set.
6116 - Attempting to flush an unattached stream.
6119 - Attempted a non-catchable throw.

6120 - Attempting to write to a stream that is no longer in scope.
6123 - Collapsing the scope of a stream shelf variable while it has an item in the current output stream set.
6124 - No catch #external-exception was available for this exception.
6125 - Attempted to read/scan unattached #current-input.
6126 - Attempted to read a closed input source.
6128 - Attempted to return multiple times from a non-void returning function.
6128 - Attempted to return multiple times from a non-void returning function.
6129 - Attempting to redefine a dtd shelf item that is currently in use.

6136 - Attempting a markup parse in a context that can write to a Markup Parser or handle Markup Errors.

7000 - Input source modifier conflict.
7001 - Attempting to convert an out-of-range value to roman numerals.
7002 - Attempting to select multiple declarations or rules.
7003 - Encountered a format item to stop hiding text, but text was not being hidden.
7004 - Unknown external data entity.
7005 - Invalid argument to the TEST-SYSTEM action encountered.
7006 - Exceeded maximum line BREAK-WIDTH.
7007 - Same stream given more than once in PUT/OUTPUT-TO action.
7008 - Built-in stream modifier conflict.

N/A - A declaration was encountered in an invalid position.
N/A - A disallowed operation on a default counter was encountered.
N/A - A disallowed operation on a default stream was encountered.
N/A - A disallowed operation on a non-modifiable opaque shelf was encountered.
N/A - A disallowed operation on a non-modifiable stream argument was encountered.
N/A - A disallowed operation on a pre-defined shelf was encountered.
N/A - A format item that is currently not allowed was encountered.
N/A - A group has been defined but never used.
N/A - A group has been used but not defined.
N/A - A limit has been exceeded in the OmniMark compiler.
N/A - A macro parameter that was already defined in the current macro was encountered again.
N/A - A pattern that cannot match any text was encountered.
N/A - A pattern that will cause an infinite loop was detected.
N/A - A related modifier was already given for the current stream.
N/A - A shelf is possibly not being used as intended.
N/A - A source was used which is unavailable in the current translation type.
N/A - A variable initially defined in a rule or match action's main pattern cannot be used in its main condition.
N/A - An ambiguous construct was detected.
N/A - An argument exceeded maximum size of 2048.
N/A - An incomplete REPEAT action was encountered.
N/A - An incomplete rule was encountered.
N/A - An input file must be specified when '-term' is specified and '-save' was not.
N/A - An invalid BREAK-WIDTH value was encountered.
N/A - An invalid byte ordering was encountered.
N/A - An invalid combination of tests was encountered in a stream type test.
N/A - An invalid ITEM selector value was encountered.
N/A - An invalid replacement character was encountered.
N/A - An invalid shelf size was encountered.
N/A - An invalid stream modifier was encountered.
N/A - An obsolete keyword was detected.
N/A - An operation that is not yet supported was encountered.
N/A - An undefined macro parameter was encountered in a '%@(...)' format.
N/A - An undefined pattern variable was encountered.
N/A - Arguments file ended inside a string.
N/A - Attempting to access external information about an internal function.
N/A - Attempting to access external information about an undeclared function.
N/A - Attempting to define '-of' or '-aof' file multiple times.
N/A - Attempting to define log file multiple times.
N/A - Attempting to evaluate a referent immediately.
N/A - Conflicting control arguments: -library, -save.
N/A - Conflicting control arguments: -load, -s.
N/A - Conflicting control arguments: -load, -save.
N/A - Conflicting control arguments: -term, -s.
N/A - Conflicting input and output file specification.
N/A - Control argument requires a single argument.
N/A - Control argument requires two arguments.
N/A - Current token is unexpected.
N/A - Declaration condition conflict.
N/A - Declaration not allowed.
N/A - Duplicate binary declaration encountered.
N/A - Duplicate catch declaration for catch 'X'.
N/A - Duplicate declaration encountered.
N/A - Duplicate file error.
N/A - Duplicate macro name encountered.
N/A - Duplicate pattern variable encountered.
N/A - Duplicate SAVE action encountered.
N/A - Duplicate stream conflict.
N/A - Duplicate stream modifier encountered.
N/A - Duplicate test detected.
N/A - Duplicate USING prefix encountered.
N/A - ELEMENT rule condition conflict.
N/A - Encountered a duplicate catch parameter.
N/A - Encountered a duplicate function parameter.
N/A - Encountered a function that was never defined.
N/A - Encountered a keyword or format item that is not allowed in the current context.
N/A - Encountered a record with an incomplete type declaration.
N/A - Encountered a record with an invalid type declaration.
N/A - Encountered an attempt to save a local shelf or function parameter.
N/A - Encountered an invalid shelf index.
N/A - Encountered end of file while matching a built-in macro.
N/A - End of file in macro parameter encountered.
N/A - Error encountered while opening library file.
N/A - Error while reading arguments file.
N/A - Error while trying to authorize the program (Code = X).
N/A - EXIT action out of place.
N/A - External functions are not supported on this platform.
N/A - EXTERNAL-ENTITY rule condition conflict.
N/A - Function already defined.
N/A - Function call not allowed.
N/A - Implicit format item modifier added.
N/A - Incorrect context for indexing into a shelf.
N/A - Incorrect number of actual parameters in function call.
N/A - Invalid argument for a shelf-modifying action.
N/A - Invalid catch definition.
N/A - Invalid character in arguments file.
N/A - Invalid COPY action encountered.
N/A - Invalid function definition.
N/A - Invalid list of groups encountered.
N/A - Invalid operation on a fixed-size shelf encountered.
N/A - Invalid operation on a variable-size shelf encountered.
N/A - Invalid pattern.
N/A - Invalid qualifier sequence encountered.
N/A - Invalid radix encountered.
N/A - Invalid shelf declaration encountered.
N/A - Invalid text in library file. Only LIBRARY and INCLUDE declarations are allowed.
N/A - Invalid use of #OUTPUT in current stream group encountered.
N/A - Invalid use of groups encountered.
N/A - Invalid use of the string continuation character ('_').
N/A - Keyword is in use.
N/A - Keyword is unavailable.
N/A - Missing -s or -load control argument.
N/A - Module declaration not permitted.
N/A - Multiple '-term' control arguments specified.
N/A - Multiple catch block for catch 'X' in one local scope.
N/A - Multiple source control arguments specified, using either '-s' or '-source'.
N/A - Name is in use.
N/A - No PROCESS-START, PROCESS, or PROCESS-END rules were specified, so no action will be taken.
N/A - Non-numeric value supplied to -limit control argument.
N/A - Obsolete syntax was detected.
N/A - Opaque type already declared.
N/A - Operator precedence too low for current context.
N/A - Operator type mismatch.
N/A - Optional function arguments are ambiguous.
N/A - Part of a sub-pattern will never be matched.
N/A - Possible empty pattern encountered.
N/A - RETHROW action out of place.
N/A - Return action out of place.
N/A - Rule header condition conflict.
N/A - Rule not allowed.
N/A - Several consecutive conditions were found.
N/A - Specified '-linger' time in seconds must be > 1.
N/A - The 'NAMECASE' declaration is deprecated. The namecase is now determined by the namecase of the document being parsed.
N/A - The current action is not allowed in the current rule.
N/A - The current action is not allowed in the current translation-type.
N/A - The current action is not allowed on a constant parameter.
N/A - The current action may not be reachable because of preceding RETURN actions.
N/A - The current macro may not have an ending.
N/A - The current value-returning function never returns.
N/A - The INCLUDE declaration is missing a string argument.
N/A - The INCLUDE declaration must be a string argument.
N/A - The LIBRARY declaration arguments must be strings.
N/A - The LIBRARY declaration is missing one or both of its required string arguments.
N/A - The proposed ESCAPE character is invalid because it is not a valid string character.
N/A - The value to skip past by must be positive.
N/A - This program's license key is incorrect.
N/A - Token is too large.
N/A - Too many files have been included without being closed.
N/A - Unable to open control arguments file.
N/A - Unable to open file for input.
N/A - Unable to open file for output.
N/A - Unable to open library file.
N/A - Unable to open log file.
N/A - Unexpected error while trying to authorize the program.
N/A - Unexpected value in macro parameter matching encountered.
N/A - Unrecognized control argument.
N/A - Use declaration error.
N/A - Use declaration error.
N/A - Warning: attempting to use the same file for input and as the saved application input.

OM_FileError:101 - Attempting to open a file with zero length name.
OM_FileError:102 - Unable to close file.
OM_FileError:103 - Unable to open file for output.
OM_FileError:104 - Unable to open file for input.
OM_FileError:105 - Unable to read from file.
OM_FileError:106 - Unable to write to file.

OM_ExtFunError:200 - External stream HasName subfunction returned failure.
OM_ExtFunError:201 - Failed to load library 'X'
OM_ExtFunError:203 - The opaque type creator function returned a null pointer.
OM_ExtFunError:206 - External function requires return value, but none was set.
OmniMark 7.1.2 Documentation Generated: June 28, 2005 at 5:46:40 pm
If you have any comments about this section of the documentation, send email to [email protected]

Copyright © Stilo Corporation, 1988-2005.