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OmniMark version 8.2

Stilo is pleased to announce the release of OmniMark 8.2.0

The new version introduces some very useful new language features. For example, the signal throw action has been added for communicating out-of-band information between co-routines. Also, in 8.2.0, it is possible to declare a global variable as domain-bound. If the variable is declared as domain-bound global, the effect of save is visible only in the coroutine that saves the variable. For any other coroutine, the variable retains the same items it had outside the saving scope. A domain-bound global can be saved in overlapping scopes without any constraints. And %c is now streaming in a scanning context.

8.2.0 also introduces OMPROCESS,a new library module that provides a way to execute a program outside of OmniMark, to control the input to this program, and process the output from this program.

Windows Vista and AIX 5.3 have been added to the list of supported platforms.

The most significant aspect of this release is that it contains fixes to 142 errors, making it a particularly stable release.

For full details about what's new in this release, please see What's New.

There is an error in the OMXERCES library as originally packaged with 8.2.0. Updated omxerces DLLs are available at, in directories named <platform>/updates/. Please refer to your original upgrade notification, or check with your Stilo representative, for login and password details.

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