
data type

Library: File system utilities (OMVFS legacy)
Include: omvfs.xin


The vfsFile OMX component represents an individual file.

Usage Notes

The OmniMark Virtual File System dynamic link library file ("omvfs.dll") creates the vfsFile OMX component. The related include file ("omvfs.xin") defines the interface to that component. To use vfsFile OMX components in your program, you must include the following include statement in your program:

     include "omvfs.xin"

Please refer to OMX Components for a general description of OMX components and how they are used.

Related OMVFS library functions:

The functions

are used to open and close files. vfsFile objects are used by the following OMVFS library functions:

Example: Opening a file

  include "omvfs.xin"
    local vfsFile myFile
    local vfsDir myDir
    local stream attributes-shelf variable
    set myDir to vfsConnect "file:///omprogs/"
    set myFile to vfsOpen "jean-sibelius.txt" on myDir for vfs-read 
    vfsDescribeFile myFile into attributes-shelf
    output "    Name:   " || attributes-shelf{"name"} || "%n"
    output "    Size:   " || attributes-shelf{"size"} || " bytes%n"
    do when attributes-shelf{"isdir"} = 0
      output "    Type:   file" || "%n"
      output "    Type:   directory" || "%n"
    output "Contents:  " || vfsRead myFile || "%n"

This program produces the following output:

  Name:   file:///omprogs/jean-sibelius.txt
      Size:   115 bytes
      Type:   file
  Contents:  "Pay no attention to what the critics say; no statue has ever been erected to a critic."
       -- Jean Sibelius