
data type

Library: Oracle Call Interface database support (OMOCI legacy)
Include: omoci.xin


The OCI_HostData_type OMX component, in conjunction with the OCI_Array_type and OCI_Handle_type OMX components, allows you to access an Oracle database from within an OmniMark program.

The OmniMark OCI dynamic link library file ("omoci.dll" or "omoci.so") creates the OCI_HostData_type OMX component. The related include file ("omoci.xin") defines the interface to that component. To use OCI_HostData_type components in your program, you must include the following declaration and include statement in your program:

     include "omoci.xin"

Within your program, you can create as many instances of the OCI_HostData_type component as you require by declaring global and local variables of type "OCI_HostData_type". For example:

     include "omoci.xin"
     global OCI_HostData_type my-ocihostdata-1
     global OCI_HostData_type my-ocihostdata-2
        local OCI_HostData_type my-ocihostdata-3
        local OCI_HostData_type my-ocihostdata-4

Once you have declared your OCI_HostData_type OMX variables, you manipulate these variables using the functions in the OmniMark OCI function library.

The OCI_HostData_type OMX component is not copyable. This means that when you set the value of one OCI_HostData_type OMX variable to the value of another OCI_HostData_type OMX variable, you end up with two variables pointing at the same external object. You are able to manipulate both variables, but those manipulations are being performed on the same external object, whether you use the original OCI_HostData_type OMX variable or its copy.

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