

Library: File system utilities (OMVFS)
Import : omvfs.xmd

export external function change-owner
 value string  path
 on value directory on-dir optional
 owner value string owner optional
 group value string group optional
 contents value switch contents optional initial {contents-not-included}

Argument definitions

The file or directory for which to change the group and/or owner. May be specified as an absolute path or relative to the current working directory.
A connected vfs.directory object. If a vfs.directory object is specified, the path parameter must be relative to the vfs.directory and must be specified as a URL.
The name of the owner to be applied to the specified file or directory.
The name of the group to be applied to the specified file or directory.
Specifies whether the ownership of the content of a directory is also to be changed. Values are vfs.contents-included or vfs.content-not-included. The default is vfs.contents-not-included.


You can use vfs.change-owner to change a file's or directory's owner or group. The following program sets the owner and group of a file.

  import "omvfs.xmd" prefixed by vfs.
     vfs.change-owner "afile.txt" owner "ftp" group "ftp"

On Windows NT/2000/XP, which has a notion of domains, the format for specifying owner and group is the domain followed by a backslash followed by the user or group, thus: "Domain\User". The following program sets the owner and group of a directory and all of its contents using Windows domain syntax:

  import "omvfs.xmd" prefixed by vfs.
     vfs.change-owner "c:\some-dir" owner "Domain\ftp" group "Domain\ftp"
        contents vfs.contents-included


The following exceptions may occur: