Library: TCP/IP client and server support (OMTCP)
Import : omtcp.xmd |
Returns: |
define external stream function tcp.get-string from value tcp.connection Connection size value integer MinRead optional up-to value integer MaxRead optional timeout value integer ms optional
Argument definitions
Use tcp.get-string to return characters received from a source on the TCP connection object.
Connection must represent an existing connection (else external exception TCP05).
There must not be an active external source derived from Connection with tcp.reader (else external exception TCP04).
If MinRead is specified, it must have a value of -1 or greater (else external exception TCP03).
If MaxRead is specified, it must have a value of -1 or greater (else external exception TCP03).
If both MinRead and MaxRead are specified, MinRead must have a value less than the value of MaxRead (else external exception TCP03).
If an error occurs during the read, external exception TCP11 is thrown.
If the read operation times out, external exception TCP07 is thrown.
If neither MinRead nor MaxRead is specified the function reads as many characters as are available, as long as there is at least one character.
Specifying value of -1 for either MinRead or MaxRead indicates no limit. (This is the default value for both parameters.)
Sequential uses of tcp.get-string and tcp.reader are allowed. It is also guaranteed that tcp.get-string will only ever read the characters it returns from a source. Any following characters are available to the next tcp.get-string or tcp.reader.
import "omtcp.xmd" prefixed by tcp. process local tcp.connection Connection-1 set Connection-1 to tcp.connect to "localhost" on 5300 output tcp.get-string from Connection-1
import "omtcp.xmd" prefixed by tcp. process output tcp.get-string from tcp.connect to "localhost" on 5300 size 10