
built-in shelf

Library: HTTP support (OMHTTP)


The HttpResponse object is a keyed shelf that contains information that an HTTP server will return to a client after receiving a request.

Usage Notes

You can create as many instances of the HttpResponse component as you require by declaring global and local variables of type "httpResponse". To use httpResponse components in your program, you must also include the following include statement in your program:

     include ""

The HTTP response shelf contains the information needed to construct an HTTP-formatted response message that an HTTP server will return to a client after receiving a request. The HTTP response shelf contains the following keyed items:

Related omhttp - HTTP support library functions:


  ; HttpRequestSend
   include ""
     local HttpRequest my-Request
     local HttpResponse get-Response
     HttpRequestSetFromUrl my-Request
        from ""
     HttpRequestSend my-Request into get-Response timeout 60000
     output get-Response{"entity-body"}