

Library: File system utilities (OMVFS legacy)
Include: omvfs.xin

Returns: An OmniMark output object to the opened file.

define external string sink function vfsWrite
     value  vfsFile  file

Argument definitions

is the vfsFile object associated with the file to be modified.


Use vfsWrite to obtain an output object (to write) to an open file.


You must include the following line at the beginning of your OmniMark program:

  include "omvfs.xin"

file must

Usage Notes

The locking exception can be thrown at any point during writing (external exception VFS217).

External exception VFS300 is thrown for any general OS operation failure. The text accompanying the exception will contain details on the reason for the failure.


This example shows appropriate steps to write to the file Notes.txt in the private directory.

  1. Open a file with read-write access.
  2. Lock the file to avoid an exception if the file is locked by another process.
  3. Obtain an output object for the file.
  4. Write to the file.
  5. Unlock the file.

  include "omvfs.xin"
    local vfsFile myFile
    local stream foo
  	. . .
    set myFile to vfsOpen "/private/Notes.txt" 
    	 for VFS-READ-WRITE
  	. . .
    vfsLock myFile
    open foo as vfsWrite myFile
    put foo "Write this to the specified file. %n"
    vfsUnlock myFile