Library: Database access (OMDB legacy)
Include: |
define external function dbTableDelete value dbTable table where value stream condition
Argument definitions
Use dbTableDelete to delete records from a table using the supplied criteria.
You must include the following line at the beginning of your OmniMark program:
include ""
The condition must be
The following example uses dbTableDelete to remove grade references for students who did not finish a course. The deletion is performed through the dbTable OMX component.
process ; local variables local dbDatabase this-db local dbTable student-course ; create the database OMX objects set this-db to dbOpenODBC 'dbDemo' set student-course to dbTableOpen this-db table 'StudentCourse' ; drop students who did not finish from course lists dbTableDelete student-course where "Grade is NULL" ; catch the database exceptions catch #external-exception identity catch-id message catch-msg output 'An error occurred while accessing an omDB function.%n' output '%g(catch-id) : %g(catch-msg)%n'