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The dbDatabase OMX component allows you to use either your existing ODBC-compliant software drivers or your Oracle client drivers to create a connection to and manipulate a database.

Usage Notes

The OmniMark Database dynamic link library file ("omdb.dll" or "omdb.so") creates the dbDatabase OMX component. The related include file ("omdb.xin") defines the interface to that component. To use dbDatabase OMX components in your program, you must include the following in your program:

      include "omdb.xin"

Within your program, you can create as many instances of the dbDatabase OMX component as you require by declaring global and local variables of type "dbDatabase".

Please refer to OMX Components for a general description of OMX components and how they are used.

Related OMDB library functions:

The functions

are used to establish and discard dbDatabase components. The dbDatabase objects are used as parameters by the following OMDB library functions:


Once you have declared your dbDatabase OMX variables, you can use them with one of the dbOpen functions (such as dbOpenODBC) in the legacy OmniMark Database library to create connections to databases.

     include "omdb.xin"

        local dbDatabase my-database

        set my-database to dbOpenODBC "MyDatabase"

Assuming that no errors occur when establishing the connection to the database, you can now manipulate the data in that database using the other functions in the legacy OmniMark Database library.



OmniMark 7.1.2 Documentation Generated: June 28, 2005 at 5:45:05 pm
If you have any comments about this section of the documentation, send email to [email protected]

Copyright © Stilo Corporation, 1988-2005.