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declare record



  declare record
     ((extends record-type)?
     (field field declaration*)) | elsewhere


You can use declare record to declare a record type.

Here is how you would declare a record type to hold a simple metadata record for a document:

  declare record metadata-label
     field stream author
     field stream title
     field stream publisher
     field integer year
     field switch in-print initial {true}

Each field in the record is itself of a particular type and is declared just as a local variable of that type would be declared, substituting the word field for the word local.

Each field in a record is itself a shelf, meaning that you may declare a field as a multi-value shelf. Thus we can extend our metadata record type to support the possibility that a document may have more than one author:

  declare record metadata-label
     field stream author variable
     field stream title
     field stream publisher
     field stream year
     field switch in-print initial {true}

A record declaration by itself simply defines a record type. To create a record you must create a variable of the record type.

Declaring extended records

You can declare an extended record type by including the extends keyword in the record declaration. An extended record type inherits the fields of its base type:

  declare record point
   field integer x
   field integer y

  declare record color
   field integer r
   field integer g
   field integer b

  declare record pixel
   extends point
   field color rgb

Notice the difference between extending a record and declaring a field whose type is another record type. The record type pixel extends the type point, thus inheriting its x and y fields. It uses the type color as a type for the field rgb. It does not acquire individual r, g, and b fields, but a single field named rgb whose type is color. A record of type pixel will have three fields, x, y, and rgb.

An type that is an extension may itself be extended to create a still more specialized type. An extended type may not declare field names that match any of the fields in any of the types from which it is extended, since the fields of these names are alredy part of the extended type.

It is possible to declare a record type with no fields. Such a type can act as a base from which a related class of record types can be created by extension.

Elsewhere declarations and recursive record types

A record type may be declared elsewhere.

  declare record point elsewhere

The elsewhere declaration does not create a record type. The full record declaration must be given before variables of the record type are declared. However, the elsewhere declaration makes the type name available for use in other record type declarations. This allows you to create recursive record types:

  declare record bar elsewhere

  declare record foo
   field integer a
   field bar x variable

  declare record bar
   field integer b
   field foo y 

In this example, foo and bar are both record types. Foo has a field of type bar and bar has a field of type foo. This is perfectly legal and potentially useful. Notice however, that at least one of the fields of the mutually referenced types need to be declared variable. If not, each new foo creates a new bar and each new bar creates a new foo, to infinity. Circular data structures are permitted. However, it is your responsibility to see that they are properly bounded.

You can also create a record type which has a field of is own type. This is particularly useful if you want to create a tree:

  declare record node
   field stream name
   field node children variable

      Related Concepts
   Records, extended
   Tree data structures


OmniMark 7.1.2 Documentation Generated: June 28, 2005 at 5:45:09 pm
If you have any comments about this section of the documentation, send email to [email protected]

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