

Library: Web Services Broker (OMWSB)
Import : omwsb.xmd

export external function forward-request
                      value request     request

Argument definitions

The wsb.request OMX value containing the request to serviced by another program handled by the WSB


The wsb.forward-request function provides a mechanism to request servicing from the WSB. The function is passed a wsb.request object which contains both the header needed to route and process the request and the body with the data. This wsb.request object is most commonly the request object received from a wsb.wait-for-request function call. The function wsb.set-request-header is used to set the header of the wsb.request object. When the WSB is called with this function it routes the passed request to the appropriate program, which processes it. The requesting program should not do any further processing on the request object.


This example shows how to reroute a SOAP request to a service called DoCalc. The program waits for the request then fetches the request objects header and rewrites the SOAPAction header tupple to point to DoCalc. Then the program sets the request object's header using the wsb.set-request-header function to the new value. Then the program forwards the request using the function wsb.forward-request. Finally the function loops and waits for the next request for it to forward.

  import 'omwsb.xmd' prefixed by wsb.
        local stream head
        local wsb.request req
        set req to wsb.wait-for-request
        open head as buffer
        using output as head 
          submit wsb.request-header of req
        close head
        wsb.set-request-header of req to head  
        wsb.forward-request req      
        catch #external-exception identity catch-id
           rethrow when catch-id = "OMWSB000"
  catch #external-exception
  find "SOAPAction: " any ++ "%13#%10#"
     output "SOAPAction: %"http://DoCalc%"%13#%10#"