

Library: Random number utilities (OMRANDOM)
Import : omrandom.xmd

Returns: A pseudo-random number

define external integer function random.uniform
   from value integer low    optional
   to   value integer high   optional

Argument definitions

The smallest number that can be generated
The largest number that can be generated


This function returns a pseudo-random number in the given range. If the lower bound is not given, 0 is used. If the higher bound is not given, then random.max-random is used.

This program outputs 10 random numbers between 0 and random.max-random (32767), inclusive:

  import "omutil.xmd" prefixed by util.
  import "omrandom.xmd" prefixed by random.
     random.set-seed to util.millisecond-time
     repeat to 10
        output "d" % random.uniform || "%n"

This program outputs 5 random numbers between 1 and 6, inclusive:

  import "omutil.xmd" prefixed by util.
  import "omrandom.xmd" prefixed by random.
     random.set-seed to util.millisecond-time
     repeat to 5
        output "d" % random.uniform from 1 to 6 || " "
     output "%n"

In the examples above, random.set-seed uses the millisecond timer value to "prime" the random number generator. This ensures a different sequence of pseudo-random numbers each time the program is run.

The distribution of returned values over the range is uniform. (Each value has the same chance of occurring.)

The difference between the upper and lower bounds should not exceed random.max-random (32767). If it does, not all discrete values in the range may be returned.

Other Library Functions