

Library: Blowfish (OMBLOWFISH)
Import : omblowfish.xmd

export external function
      set-encryption-key (value string encryption-key,
                          value state  state) elsewhere


blowfish.set-encryption-key is used to initialize a stateto the desired encryption key. A state's encryption key must be initialized before it can be used in a call to decode or encode; otherwise an exception is thrown.

Note that a OMBLOWFISH provides a conversion function that makes direct use of this function almost unnecessary. However, that conversion function is implemented in terms of this function.

Usage Note

To use blowfish.set-encryption-key, you must import omblowfish.xmd into your program using a statement like this:

     import "omblowfish.xmd" prefixed by blowfish.

(Please see the import topic for more on importing.)


If you wish to initialize a state object directly, you may do so as follows:

     import "omblowfish.xmd" prefixed by blowfish.
        local blowfish.state state
        set-encryption-key ("ENCRYPTION KEY", state)

However, you may also make use of the provided conversion function:

     import "omblowfish.xmd" prefixed by blowfish.
        local blowfish.state state initial { "ENCRYPTION KEY" }

There is no appreciable difference between these two examples; the choice between the two is a matter of style.

Other Library Functions