

Library: File system utilities (OMVFS legacy)
Include: omvfs.xin

define external function vfsChangeOwner
                value string  path
      owner     value string  owner          (optional)
      group     value string  group          (optional)
      contents  value switch  contents       (optional)


define external function vfsChangeOwner
                value string  filename-URL
      on        value vfsDir  dir
      owner     value string  owner          (optional)
      group     value string  group          (optional)
      contents  value switch  contents       (optional)

Argument definitions

is the file or directory on which to change the group and/or owner.
is the name of the file or directory on which to change the group and/or owner expressed as a relative URL using the specified vfsDir as the base.
is a vfsDir object created using either vfsConnect or vfsConnectDir.
is the textual representation of the owner to be applied to the file or directory specified.
is the textual representation of the group to be applied to the file or directory specified.
an options switch indicating if the ownership of the directory contents should also be modified. The default is that the directory contents are not to be modified. (VFS-NOT-INCLUDED)


Use vfsChangeOwner to change a file's or directory's owner or group.


You must include the following line at the beginning of your OmniMark program:

  include "omvfs.xin"

path must:

filename-URL must:

The vfsDir object dir must:

One of owner or group must be specified (else external exception VFS309)

The OmniMark program attempting to change the owner or group must have sufficient permissions to complete the operation (else external exception VFS310)

The operating system on which the OmniMark program is running must support ownership and group privileges (else external exception VFS308)

Usage Notes

This function is not supported on Windows 98/ME and if called will return external exception VFS308.

On Windows NT/2000/XP, which has a notion of domains, the format for specifying owner and group is the domain followed by a backslash followed by the user or group, thus: "Domain\User".

If contents is set to VFS-INCLUDED and the target being modified is a directory then all the contents of the directory will also have the ownership change performed on them.

If the target being modified is a file then the value of contents is ignored.

External exception VFS111 is thrown if an URL supplied as a parameter to this function contains invalid encoding.

External exception VFS004 is thrown if the URL exceeds system length limits.

For complete details on absolute URLs and valid encoding, see Internet Standards RFC 1738: Uniform Resource Locators.

Example 1

Setting an owner and group of a file

  include "omvfs.xin"
     vfsChangeOwner "afile.txt" owner "ftp" group "ftp"

Example 2

Setting an owner and group directory and all of its contents using Windows domain syntax

  include "omvfs.xin"
     vfsChangeOwner "c:\some-dir" owner "Domain\ftp" group "Domain\ftp"
        contents VFS-INCLUDED