

Library: File system utilities (OMVFS legacy)
Include: omvfs.xin

Returns: The vfsDir connected to the location containing file if file was opened using an URL.

define external vfsDir function
   vfsFileDir value vfsFile file

Argument definitions

is the vfsFile you want the directory location for.


Use vfsFileDir to get the directory location of the file. The function returns a vfsDir object.


You must include the following line at the beginning of your OmniMark program:

  include "omvfs.xin"

file must:

Usage Notes

General OS operation failure exceptions will return external exception VFS300. The accompanying text will contain details on the reason for the exception.

Example: Find the vfsDir for the directory where myFile is located.

The output for this program will be "file:///programs/".

  include "omvfs.xin"
    local vfsFile myFile
    local vfsDir my-dir
  	. . .
    set myFile to vfsOpen "file:///programs/myscript.xom" 
  	. . .
    set my-dir to vfsFileDir myFile
  	. . .
    output vfsDirName my-dir