Library: TCP/IP client and server support (OMTCP legacy, OmniMark versions 6.0.2 - 7.0)
Include: |
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define external stream function tcp-peer-name value tcp-connection Connection
Argument definitions
Use tcp-peer-name to get the fully-qualified domain name of the peer host on the other side of a connection.
You must include the following line at the beginning of your OmniMark program:
include ""
Connection must exist (else external Exception TCP05).
If tcp-peer-name fails to get the fully-qualified domain name of the host machine, external exception TCP01 is thrown.
local tcp-service Demo local tcp-connection Client set Demo to tcp-service at 5600 repeat set Client to tcp-accept-connection Demo output "Request from " || tcp-peer-name Client || "%n" ;process request again