

Library: TCP/IP client and server support (OMTCP legacy, OmniMark versions 6.0.2 - 7.0)

Returns: An external output through which data can be written to the tcp connection.

define external string sink function tcp-sink
          value tcp-connection  Connection
  timeout value integer         ms          optional
 protocol value IOProtocol      Protocol    optional

Argument definitions

is an existing tcp-connection object.
is the time to wait for a write operation to complete, expressed in milliseconds.
specifies which I/O protocol is to be used.


Use tcp-sink to obtain an external output object, permitting writes on the connection.


You must include the following line at the beginning of your OmniMark program:

  include ""

Connection must exist (else external exception TCP05).

Protocol cannot be Single-Packet (else external exception TCP19).

There may not be an active external source derived from Connection with tcp-sink (else external exception TCP20).

Usage Notes

The timeout value applies to individual write operations. External exception TCP06 is thrown if the write operation times out. If a timeout value is not specified, this function blocks until data is written, or until an error occurs.

tcp-sink can be called once or more than once for a connection, but only if called serially. All streams derived from a tcp-sink write to the same output stream attachment, but may each have their own transformation logic and buffering.


  local tcp-connection Connection-1
  local stream s
     set Connection-1 to tcp-connect on "localhost" at 5300
     tcp-set-buffering Connection-1 enabled false
     open s with binary-mode as
        tcp-sink Connection-1
           protocol IOProtocolMultiPacket
     put s ("=" ||* 3048 || "%n") ||* 10
     put s "hello world"
     close s
        exit unless tcp-is-connected Connection-1
        output tcp-get Connection-1