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What was new

New in the language and libraries of OmniMark 6.5

The following features have been added:

New in OmniMark Studio 6.5

New in the language and libraries of OmniMark 6.1.3

The following features have been added:

OMDB library


New in the language and libraries of OmniMark 6.1

The following features have been added:

omutil library

HTTP library

FTP library


New in OmniMark Studio 6.1

OmniMark Studio now does the following

For further information, see the OmniMark Studio Windows help file.

New in the language and libraries of OmniMark 6.0.2

The following features have been added:

omtcp library

New in OmniMark Studio 6.0.2

OmniMark Studio now does the following

  1. Lets you choose Highlight Currently Matched Data in the Parsing Sources Datascope
  2. Responds correctly when you choose Save Project as Args File from the File Menu (it creates an Args file that contains the -load option)

New in the language and libraries of OmniMark 6.0.1

The following features have been added:

omdb library

omvfs library

New in OmniMark Studio 6.0.1

OmniMark Studio now does the following

  1. Has a reload operation on the File menu to replace a file in the edit window with one that has been saved on disk.
  2. Lets you use arguments files (.xar files) in Studio projects
  3. Warns you when saving a file if file on disk has been changed
  4. Tells you when a file has changed on disk, whenever you bring the file's edit window to the front or whenever your program in Studio processes the file

New in the language and libraries of OmniMark 6.0

The following features are new in version 6.0:

** and ++ occurrence indicators

For years, OmniMark programmers have been writing and using code like the following:

     ((lookahead not <terminating-pattern>) any)* <terminating-pattern>

Now you can write:

     any** <terminating-pattern>

See pattern matching for details.

The ++ occurrence indicator has also been added. It is identical in function and form to the ** occurrence indicator except that it is required to match one or more characters from the given character set before the terminating pattern.

In other words, if the terminating pattern is the next sequence in the input, ++ will fail whereas ** would have succeeded.

repeat for loop

OmniMark now has a repeat for loop. You can write loops that repeat for each allowed value of a control variable:

  repeat for integer i from 12 to 144 by 6
     output "d" % i || "%n"

repeat to

A new looping construct, repeat to has been added. It allows you to repeat a loop a specified number of times.

Pattern variables in lookahead

You can now capture the pattern matched in a lookahead to a pattern variable:

  find lookahead any => next-char
     output "The next character in the input is '"
         || next-char
         || "'.%n"

Zero-length pattern matching and the null modifier

You can allow a pattern to match zero characters, even where OmniMark's restriction on two consecutive zero-length pattern matches in the same scan would normally prevent it, by prefixing the pattern with null.

Instance keyword now optional when parsing well-formed XML

The keyword instance is now optional when you are parsing well-formed XML using do xml-parse.

For example, the following routine will parse well-formed XML:

  do xml-parse
       scan file my-instance
       output "%c"

If you are parsing XML using a DTD, however, you need to specify "do xml-parse document".

New indexing forms

Item indexing of a shelf has been replaced by '[ numeric-expression ]'

For example:

     set lookuptable[5] to "epsilon"

Key indexing of a shelf has been replaced by '{ string-expression }'

For example:

     set lookuptable{"epsilon"} to 5

These new forms are supported in the following contexts:

  1. Indexing a shelf, attribute list, or referents
  2. do markup-parse with dtds { ... }
  3. new <shelf-name> after/before [...] to <value>
  4. new <shelf-name> after/before {...} to <value>
  5. set new <shelf-name> after/before [...] to <value>
  6. set new <shelf-name> after/before {...} to <value>
  7. set <shelf-name> [...] to <value>
  8. set <shelf-name> {...} to <value>

positional patterns

Positional patterns are now allowed in more contexts.

New pattern matching synonyms

A \ inside character class means "except"

The symbols |= and =| are synonyms for value-start and value-end.

Take and Drop in pattern matching

The new take and drop operators enhance OmniMark's string manipulation.

New modifier on #main-output

You can now specify that the stream #main-output has domain-free.

Identity operator

The identity operator (~)is used to distinguish shelf expression from pattern expressions within a pattern.

Overloaded operators and dynamic initialization

OmniMark has been adding overloaded operators over the past few releases. This work is not yet finished. However, new libraries, notably the Binary Coded Decimal library, are taking advantage of the work done to date.

As part of this ongoing work, the latest visible functionality is the addition of dynamic initialization of variables. Dynamic initializers can be applied to both global and local variables.

Numbers with underscores

Underscores are now allowed in numbers, including integers and BCD numbers, but not in floating point numbers.

For example, you can specify an integer with underscores:

     local integer x
     set x to 1_000_000
     output "Number is %d(x)"
  ; The output will be "Number is 1000000"

You can also specify a BCD number with underscores:

  include "ombcd.xin"
     local bcd y
     set y to 1_000_000
     output "bcd Number is " || "<,NNZ.ZZ>" % y
  ; The output will be "BCD Number is 1,000,000.00"

Less casting

When a literal of an externally-defined numeric type is used, it no longer requires explicit type casting where the intended type of the numeric literal is clear.


You can now add assert statements to your OmniMark programs.


#args is now a synonym for #command-line-names

log-message change

log-message is now part of the language and is no longer part of the builtins library. You no longer need to include "builtins.xin" to use log-message.

Utilities library changes

The global stream shelf, UTIL_Env, has been added to the utilities library. This shelf is populated with all of the environment variables. Using this shelf makes it easy to find HTTP parameter variables.

BCD and floating point libraries (ombcd and omfloat) changes

New versions of the BCD and floating point libraries have been released, and the operations allowed in both libraries are largely identical.

Both the floating point and the BCD libraries now use these arithmetic operators and the comparison operators in the same way:

The absolute value function, abs, has also been extended to the floating point library.

The new power operator, **, has been added to both the floating point library and the BCD library.

The floating point library now implements the same rounding operations as the BCD library:

Both the floating point library and the BCD library now support the same exponential functions:

Both libraries define the constant e.

Formatting in BCD and floating point

The format operator, %, has been extended to the floating point library so that floating point numbers can be formatted in the same way as BCD numbers.

The format operator supports both template formatting and the "d" format command. The "d" format modifiers ("u", "l", "f", and "k") are now supported for floating point numbers.

The "d" format command supports the new "e" format modifier for both floating point and BCD numbers. This modifier formats a number in exponential notation.

Trigonometry library (omtrig)

The OmniMark trigonometry library is a collection of trigonometric functions based on the C math library. It serves as a "wrapper" around a particular math library. You can use the functions in this library to write OmniMark applications that can perform double-precision floating point arithmetic.

The functions in this library are the following:

Bessel library (ombessel)

There is a new Bessel function library, ombessel, that includes the Bessel functions j0, j1, jn, y0, y1 and yn.

What's been deprecated

item and key in all contexts where they serve as an indexer. Use [...] and {...} respectively instead.

@ and ^ are deprecated in all contexts.

The following functions and constants are now deprecated (but still supported for backwards compatibility): FP_add, FP_sub, FP_mul, FP_div, FP_mod, FP_eq, FP_le, FP_ge, FP_lt, FP_gt, FP_ne, FP_pow, FP_ceil, FP_floor, FP_nearest, FP_trunc, FP_exp, FP_log, FP_log10, FP_sqrt, FP_s, FP_d, FP_v, FP_e, FP_pi, FP_cos, FP_sin, FP_tan, FP_acos, FP_asin, FP_atan, FP_atan2, FP_cosh, FP_sinh, FP_tanh, FP_hypot.

The omvfile library has been removed from the product. Use omvfs instead.

The omfsys library has been deprecated. Use omvfs instead.


External libraries compiled for previous versions of OmniMark are not compatible with OmniMark 6. This includes both libraries supplied by OmniMark Technologies and third party libraries. Older libraries must be recompiled with the OmniMark 6 external function developers library before they can be used with OmniMark 6.

With the introduction of dynamic initializers, OmniMark no longer supports multiple global variable definitions. In earlier versions the following was legal:

     global integer message-count
     global integer message-count

Now this is not legal code. One of the declarations must be removed.

New in OmniMark Studio 6.0

OmniMark Studio now does the following

  1. Displays data in two new datascopes in three viewing modes: Text, Raw and Dump
  2. Lets you drag and drop files onto the Edit window
  3. Expands variables to show their shelf items on click of plus sign
  4. Provides Global and Local variables windows (instead of an "All Visible Variables" window)
  5. Lets you drag and drop variables from Global or Local variables to the Watched variables table
  6. Displays a variable's details on double-click or from Run menu
  7. Displays a referent's details on double-click or from Run menu
  8. Constrains display of a variable to certain items or ranges on right-click for "Display only"
  9. Lets you select which shelf item of a variable to watch
  10. Lets you compress variable display on item or on key
  11. Throttle now has a Stop button
  12. Edit preferences window has a variables tab to customize variables tables
  13. Details of variable allows display of Text, Raw or Dump mode for streams, OMX variables, and pattern variables
  14. Log window has right-click option to "Clear log window on run"
  15. Provides a redesigned Project options dialog box
  16. Traps OmniMark run-time errors and throws
  17. Stops on the first breakable line or runs to completion
  18. Colors the syntax in other programming languages
  19. Supports block operations for editing files
  20. Displays the cursor's row and column position on the status bar
  21. Lets you set bookmarks anywhere in your file
  22. Lets you split a document into multiple views
  23. Lets you dock and undock toolbars
  24. Provides tabbed edit windows (window menu has been removed)
  25. Provides a drop-down menu of recent files after the Open file and Open project toolbar buttons
  26. Provides a drop-down menu of open projects after the Start Debugging button on the Debug toolbar
  27. Lets you close the Project manager from a close button (and maximize the Edit window)

New in OmniMark 5.4

The following features are new in version 5.4:

well-formed XML

Well-formed XML parsing has been added.

New in OmniMark 5.3

The following features are new in version 5.3:


OmniMark 5.3 introduces the Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) data type. BCD is the correct data type for performing many mathematical calculations and all types of financial calculations.

OmniMark's BCD implementation supports large numbers, limited only by available memory and 16 decimal places of accuracy. In addition, new formatting operations provide a way to customize the representation of BCD numbers according to the local conventions of most countries.

To use the BCD data type, you must import the module "ombcd.xmd". Using BCD is syntactically similar to mathematical operations on counters, although in some circumstances the BCD number must be "cast".

The IDE (the predecessor to OmniMark Studio) now accommodates BCD numbers.

OmniMark language

Heralds removed

Heralds have been removed from the language to make room for "casting". Also removed are the declaration declare heralded-names and the command-line option "-heralds".

V2 programs will no longer compile. To make them compile, you need to declare all variables and remove the words counter, stream, buffer, and switch that precede variables in your program.

Operator syntax

Operator recognition has also been changed to use longest match. For example, prior to OmniMark 5.3 the style of the following find rule was legal:

           find "a"+=>x

In OmniMark 5.3, the sequence "+=>" is still recognized as "a"+ followed by =>, but a warning is issued stating that this is deprecated. In a future version of OmniMark this will be reported as an error, unless "+=>" is defined as an operator. To remove the warning, write the code like this:

           find "a"+  => x

#program-error location argument

The format of the location argument of the #program-error catch has changed from "on line <line-number> in file <file-name>:%n" to "line <line-number>, file <file-name>".


OmniMark introduces two new integer data types called integer and int32. Integer will replace the counter data type in all cases except bit operations and "network long" calculations, which will be handled by int32. The default value for both integer and int32 is 0.

The introduction of the integer data type is a phased release. Programmers should use integer instead of counter, and begin phasing out the use of counter in existing programs.

Warnings on deprecated keywords

The several deprecated keywords now cause warning messages. The deprecated keywords, and their replacements, are as follows:



LDAP is an acronym for "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol", a client-server protocol to retrieve and manage directory information. The OmniMark LDAP legacy library is introduced. It contains functions that let you create connections to different LDAP data sources and let you display, create, modify, and delete entries in those sources. In 7.0.1, this library is replaced by the newer LDAP library.

New in OmniMark 5.2

The following features are new in version 5.2:

OmniMark language

is catchable

You can now test to see if a catch is available before initiating a throw using the is catchable test.

is thrown

You can now test to see if a throw is in progress using the is thrown test.

using input as

The using input as keyword has been added to allow you to change the current input scope without initiating a scan.

with utf-8

The with utf-8 modifier has been added to do xml-parse and do sgml-parse to allow you to specify how the parser handles character entities greater than 127.

HTML 4.0

You can now process HTML 4.0 as SGML. The SGML parser in OmniMark 5.2 now supports large character values and other SGML features used in the HTML 4.0 prolog. You will need to use an appropriate HTML 4.0 SGML declaration when parsing HTML 4.0 files.

Case-sensitive XML parsing

XML parsing is now case sensitive.

Namecase general and namecase entity obsolete

OmniMark now reads the NAMECASE GENERAL and NAMECASE ENTITY declarations from the SGML declaration. The OmniMark namecase general and namecase entity declarations are now obsolete.

For this reason it is now a compile-time error to have a namecase general no declaration in a program that uses attribute aliases. If you get this error, check carefully for any ambiguity in your use of attribute aliases before removing namecase general no from your program.

SGML quantities

The OmniMark SGML parser now accepts SGML files that use element names longer than eight characters without the need to supply an SGML declaration. A number of other SGML quantities also have larger default values.

Empty pattern matching

It is now permissible, in all situations, to write a pattern that matches zero characters. This is particularly useful for detecting the end of nested structures when you are doing nested pattern matching.


The new include-guard makes it easier to ensure that a file is not included twice in your source code.

Large file support

On Solaris 2.6, OmniMark will now correctly handle files that contain more than 2 gigabytes of data.

Library changes

Extended Database Xpack

The new Database Extensions library in this OmniMark Developer's Network Xpack offers support for stored procedures and transaction processing.

HTTP library

The HTTP library now supports proxy servers.

Run-time environment

Project files as arguments files

You can now use OmniMark IDE (the predecessor to OmniMark Studio) project files as arguments files with OmniMark VM, OmniMark C, and OmniMark C/VM.

Library, include, and temporary file paths

Library, include, and temporary file paths can now be set globally using environment variables and/or Windows registry entries. In Windows, suitable default values are set during installation. See Developing and running OmniMark programs in OmniMark 4.0 documentation, or the OmniMark Server Engine documentation for OmniMark 6.0 onwards.

-noenvarg command-line option

You can use -noenvarg, or its short form, -noea, to tell OmniMark to ignore the library, include, and temporary file path settings in the environment.

New in OmniMark 5

The following features are new in version 5:

OmniMark 5 includes several new language features and development tools.

Language features

Catch & Throw

You can use catch and throw to manage the execution flow in your OmniMark programs. Catch and throw is a powerful addition to the flow handling features of OmniMark, allowing you to make major redirections of program flow in a safe and structured way.

Buffered, Unbuffered, Flush

Buffered and unbuffered are two new stream modifiers that allow you to control the buffering characteristics of the input and output streams your OmniMark program uses. The ability to declare the #main-input stream as unbuffered is one of the key features that allow you to do CGI programming with OmniMark. Accompanying buffered and unbuffered is the new flush keyword, which lets you force a buffered stream to send the data it contains.

Nested pattern matching

The new keyword #current-input has been added. This lets you use the technique of nested pattern matching to simplify the processing of data that contains nested structures.

Pattern matching functions

You can now write pattern matching functions, functions that participate in the pattern matching process. This greatly enhances the power and flexibility of OmniMark pattern matching.

Direct support for CGI Programming

OmniMark now supports the #! directive used by UNIX shells and some web servers to associate a script with the appropriate runtime. This greatly eases the writing of CGI programs in OmniMark.

Default variable shelf size is now 0

The default size of a shelf declared variable is now 0. It was 1 in previous versions. 0 is the appropriate default in almost all programming situations.

Command-line option changes

-sb command-line option added

The new -sb command-line option is a combination of "-s" and "-brief". You can use this option to specify the name of the OmniMark program to execute, and to suppress the OmniMark banner information normally output when you run an OmniMark program from the command line. This command-line option was included to use in CGI programs.

-expand command-line option removed

The -expand command-line option has been removed from this release. This was done to address security concerns when using OmniMark to run CGI programs. The functionality provided by -expand is no longer required now that the IDE (the predecessor to OmniMark Studio) is available.



A new high-level database library is included in this release. It is much easier to use than the ODBC library, which is still available for use in applications that require its low level functionality.


Developing CGI applications with OmniMark is a simple process made simpler with the addition of the CGI library. This library provides routines to retrieve and decode the information that the web server sends using the CGI protocol.

OMX components

We have renamed opaque objects OmniMark eXtension (OMX) components. OMX components extend the functionality of OmniMark the same way Active X and other component types are used to extend other programming languages. OMX components perform the same essential function as other component technologies: they encapsulate complex functionality and allow the OmniMark programmer to easily deal with complex systems such as FTP servers, databases, and TCP/IP connections. In keeping with the streaming nature of the OmniMark language, many OMX components are capable of acting as sources and sinks. You can read from or write to the OMX just as you would to a file or buffer. This greatly simplifies many aspects of network programming.

Development tools

Integrated Development Environment

The OmniMark IDE (available on Windows 95/98/NT) is a graphical user interface application that includes a full suite of editing and debugging tools.

The IDE editing environment:

The IDE debugging tools let you:

OmniMark VM

OmniMark VM is a stand-alone version of the OmniMark virtual machine. You can use it to run compiled OmniMark byte codes files (*.xvc).

New in OmniMark 4.0

The following features are new in version 4.0:

OmniMark 4.0 includes numerous new features and changes that have been implemented to extend functionality and increase program flexibility.

XML document processing

OmniMark 4.0 supports XML parsing, a variant of SGML parsing that supports the key features of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) specification (as defined in WD-xml-970807). The addition of this feature allows OmniMark to successfully parse a valid XML document. With the addition of this feature, some changes and additions were made to the OmniMark language. Most significantly, a set of generic "markup" keywords was introduced to generalize, as much as possible, OmniMark functionality that was previously specific to the SGML parser. With this generalization, programmers can interact with a parser without having to specify which one, SGML or XML.

Opaque types

<Opaque data types have been added, allowing programmers to define their own data types to be used with external functions.

The "no-default-io" declaration

This declaration has been added to simplify the process of writing and testing server programs. OmniMark programs without default input/output sources and destinations are expected to be servers with their own explicitly defined and controlled inputs and outputs. Using the no-default-io declaration allows you to run an OmniMark CI program in a simulated virtual machine environment.

Format items and the format operator

The format operator has been added to increase the flexibility of format item usage. This feature reduces the amount of coding required in complex output formatting tasks. With the implementation of this operator, format modifiers can also be dynamically generated rather than having to be statically coded into a program.

Changes to "find" and "submit"

With this release of OmniMark, find rules and the submit action can be used almost anywhere. The most important effect of this change is that submit can now be used in the body of process rules.

New date format item

An "=t" has been added to the format items that can be used with the date and compiled-date keywords. This format item produces the offset in hours and minutes from Greenwich Mean Time.

New command-line options

An "-x"command-line option has been added, which is described in the OmniMark Server Engine documentation. This option allows programmers to specify the path of external function libraries from the command line rather than having to "hard code" them into an OmniMark program. This option can also be used to increase cross-platform portability of OmniMark programs that use external function libraries. The file-name extension of the external function library (which is different on most platforms) can also now be specified on the command line rather than in the OmniMark program itself.

The "-stats" command-line option has also been added. When specified, this option causes an OmniMark program to generate and output data regarding memory usage and execution times.

External functions changes

Two changes have been made to external functions. External functions now accept remainder and optional arguments. Additionally, external functions support generic functions that make use of various return types, argument counts, and argument types determined at run-time. The external functions API has also undergone some changes.

Function libraries

The following have been added to the OmniMark function libraries suite. Please note that some of these libraries can be used only in OmniMark 4.0 and beyond because they utilize opaque types:



OmniMark 7.1.2 Documentation Generated: June 28, 2005 at 5:44:44 pm
If you have any comments about this section of the documentation, send email to [email protected]

Copyright © Stilo Corporation, 1988-2005.