Declaration define external integer function OCI_odefinps
( value OCI_Handle_type cursor,
value integer opcode,
value integer pos,
value OCI_Array_type bufctx,
value integer bufl,
value integer ftype,
value OCI_Array_type indp,
value OCI_Array_type rlen,
value OCI_Array_type rcode,
value integer pv_skip,
value integer ind_skip,
value integer alen_skip,
value integer rc_skip
This function defines an output variable for a specified select-list item in an SQL query. This call can also specify if an operation will be performed piecewise or with arrays of structures.
Input arguments:
- cursor -- Cursor data area descriptor.
- opcode -- Specifies the target of the data binding. The following values are allowed:
- OCI_PIECEWISE -- Operation on one of many pieces.
- OCI_STANDARD -- Operation on a single value.
- OCI_ARRAY -- Operation on an array of values.
- pos -- The index position of the data column in the row. The first column is position one.
- bufctx -- An array to receive fetched data for standard operation or an array of contextual data for piecewise operation.
- bufl -- The length of the data buffer.
- ftype -- The external datatype of the program variable. The following variables are allowed:
- SQLT_CHR -- (ORANET TYPE) character string
- SQLT_NUM -- (ORANET TYPE) Oracle numeric
- SQLT_INT -- (ORANET TYPE) integer
- SQLT_FLT -- (ORANET TYPE) floating point number
- SQLT_STR -- zero terminated string
- SQLT_VNU -- NUM with preceding length byte
- SQLT_PDN -- (ORANET TYPE) packed decimal numeric
- SQLT_LNG -- long
- SQLT_VCS -- variable character string
- SQLT_NON -- null/empty PCC descriptor entry
- SQLT_RID -- rowid
- SQLT_DAT -- date in Oracle format
- SQLT_VBI -- binary in VCS format
- SQLT_BIN -- binary data (DTYBIN)
- SQLT_LBI -- long binary
- SQLT_UIN -- unsigned integer
- SQLT_SLS -- display sign leading separate
- SQLT_LVC -- longer longs (char)
- SQLT_LVB -- longer long binary
- SQLT_AFC -- ANSI fixed character
- SQLT_AVC -- ANSI variable character
- SQLT_CUR -- cursor type
- SQLT_LAB -- label type
- SQLT_OSL -- oslabel type
- indp -- An array of indicator variables or OCI_NULL_ARRAY if not required.
- rlen -- An array of the lengths of the returned data or OCI_NULL_ARRAY if not required.
- rcode -- Return code of the Oracle error number or OCI_NULL_ARRAY if not required.
- pv_skip -- Size of a single element in the bound data array or zero for non-array bindings.
- ind_skip -- Size of a single element in the bound indicator variable array.
- alen_skip -- Size of a single element in the bound length array.
- rc_skip -- Size of a single element in the column-level error codes array.
set RetCode to OCI_odefinps
( Cursor,