Library: Oracle Call Interface database support (OMOCI legacy)
Include: |
Returns: Returns OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes without error. |
define external integer function OCI_odescr ( value OCI_Handle_type cursor, value integer pos, modifiable integer dbsize, modifiable integer dbtype, modifiable stream cbuf, modifiable integer cbufl, modifiable integer dsize, modifiable integer prec, modifiable integer scale, modifiable integer nullok )
This function describes select-list items for SQL queries. The function returns internal datatype and size information for a specified select-list item.
Input arguments:
Output arguments:
Input/output argument:
set RetCode to OCI_odescr ( Cursor, 1, Desc@1, Desc@2, ColName, ColNameLen, Desc@3, Desc@4, Desc@5, Desc@6 )